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عملاق تشغيل المالتيميديا GOM Player لعام 2011

Arabic Rss

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 05-05-2011
الصورة الرمزية RSS
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تاريخ التسجيل: 11 - 2 - 10
المشاركات: 648,175
RSS is on a distinguished road
افتراضي عملاق تشغيل المالتيميديا GOM Player لعام 2011

أقدم لكم عملاق تشغيل المالتيميديا الغني عن التعرف GOM Player في آخر أصداراته GOM Player

GOM is a free media player with popular audio & video codecs built-in.
Codec Finder
GOM Player includes many codecs (XviD, DivX, FLV1, AC3, OGG, MP4, H263 and more) so you won't need to install separate codecs for most videos. For those videos that require a separate codec, GOM Player will find one.
Play Broken AVI Files (Patented)
GOM Player's patented technology enables users to view files with broken indexes or that are still being downloaded.
Powerful Subtitle Support
GOM Player supports SMI, SRT, RT, SUB(with IDX) files for subtitle. You can even synchronize subtitle and video if there's any mismatch.
Convenient Playlist
If you run a video file and there is already a file with a similar name in the directory, it will be automatically added to your playlist. GOM Player has a similar playlist format as M3U, PLS, ASX.
Support Different Media Types
Along with different media format such as AVI, MPG, MPEG and DAT, GOM Player also supports streaming windows media format (WMV, ASF, ASX). You can also watch DVD-quality videos with 5.1 channel audio output

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مشغل المالتيميديا المنافس الوحيد للميديا بلاير GOM Media Player RSS Arabic Rss 0 01-27-2011 02:19 AM
عملاق تشغيل المالتيميديا GOM Player RSS Arabic Rss 0 12-13-2010 02:21 PM
اصدار جديد من عملاق تشغيل المالتيميديا Gom Player RSS Arabic Rss 0 11-24-2010 04:36 PM
اخر اصدار من عملاق تشغيل المالتيميديا Gom Player RSS Arabic Rss 0 11-23-2010 04:52 PM
اخر اصدار من عملاق تشغيل المالتيميديا Gom Player RSS Arabic Rss 0 11-23-2010 04:52 PM


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