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أسطوانة الصيانة الغنية عن التعريف Hiren's BootCD 13.1

Arabic Rss

قديم 02-10-2011
الصورة الرمزية RSS
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تاريخ التسجيل: 11 - 2 - 10
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افتراضي أسطوانة الصيانة الغنية عن التعريف Hiren's BootCD 13.1

بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على اشرف المرسلين سيدنا محمد
صلى الله عليه وسلم
اتمنى ان يكون جميع اخوانى الكرام من مشرفين واعضاء
وزوار فى اتم صحة وعافية واتمنى ان اقدم لكم ما يفيدكم

Hiren'sBootCD 13.1

Hiren's BootCD is a completely free bootable CD that contains a load of useful tools you can make use of in a variety of situations like analyzing, recovering and fixing your computer even if the primary operating system can not be booted. It is a great resource for anyone with computer problems who is having trouble accessing the internet to download programs in an attempt to fix it. It has a multitude of tools divided into a number of categories like partitioning tools, backup, recovery and BIOS/CMOS tools to name a few. With some simple knowledge about what is contained on the CD, you can use it to repair many problems computer like hard drive failure, virus infections, partitioning, password recovery and data recovery. Hiren's BootCD has an extensive list of software. Utilities with similar functionality on the CD are grouped together and seem redundant; however, they present choices through UI's differences and options in what they can do.

Hiren's BootCD is a boot CD containing various diagnostic programs such as partitioning agents, system performance benchmarks, disk cloning and imaging tools, data recovery tools, MBR tools, BIOS tools, and many others for fixing various computer problems. It is a Bootable CD; thus, it can be useful even if the primary operating system cannot be booted.

Hiren's BootCD - All in one Dos Bootable CD which has all these utilities: Antivirus Tools, Archivers, Backup Tools, BIOS / CMOS Tools, Browsers / File Managers, Cleaners, Editors / Viewers, FileSystems Tools, Hard Disk Tools, MBR (Master Boot Record) Tools, Ms Dos Tools, Network Tools, Optimizers, Partition Tools, Password Tools, Process Tools, Recovery Tools, Registry Tools, Remote Control Tools, Security / Encryption Tools, Startup Tools, System Information Tools, Testing Tools, Tweakers, etc

Updated softwares:
Avira AntiVir Personal (07-02-2011), ******** (07-02-2011), Double Driver 4.1, Dr.Web CureIt! Antivirus (07-02-2011), GPU-Z (Works from MiniXP), grub4dos 2011-01-15, grubinst 1.2, HBCD Customizer 1.6, HBCD Program Launcher 2.1, ************ Anti-Malware 1.50.1 (07-02-2011 ), Memtest86 + 4.20, RMPrepUSB 2.1.617, S & M Stress Tests (Works from MiniXP), Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.6.2 (07-02-2011), SpywareBlaster 4.4 (07-02-2011), SuperAntispyware 4.47.1000 ( 07-02-2011)

Removed Softwares:
SmitFraudfix (No longer updated, Alternatives ********/RKill/************)

Language: English
Released: 2011

size : 413 MB






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الجيل الجديد من اسطورة اسطوانات الصيانة Hiren's BootCD 11.0 RSS Arabic Rss 0 08-10-2010 12:40 PM


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