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برامج الشات ICQ 7.4 Build 4561 في اخر اصدار

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قديم 02-24-2011
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افتراضي برامج الشات ICQ 7.4 Build 4561 في اخر اصدار

برامج الشات ICQ 7.4 Build 4561 في اخر اصدار

ICQ 7.4 Build 4561



برنامج ICQ فهو برنامج المحادثات الشهير والغني عن التعريف والذي يربطك بالعالم الخارجي بشكل غير قابل للتصديق برنامج ICQ لإنشاء محادثات كتابية وارسال ملفات عبر المحادثة والكثير حيث يمكنك البرنامج من ارسال رسائل اس ام اس الي هاتفك الخاص برنااااااااامج رائع بمعني الكلمة وهو الاشهر عالميا حيث يستخدمة 250.000.000 مستخدم حول العالم لسهولة وبساطتة وشكلة الجذاب وامكانياته الكبيرة المذهلة


ICQ is a program that lets you find your friends and associates online in real time. You can create a Contact List containing only people you want to have there, you can send them messages, chat with them, send files, configure ICQ to work with external applications and more. In addition to familiar features such as chat, SMS messaging, and file-transfer capabilities, the newest version includes ICQ Xtraz, which allow you to send personalized greeting cards, apply custom icons to your buddies, play online games, and customize your shortcuts panel for one-click access to all your favorite features. The ICQ Xtraz platform enables ICQ to present users with a selection of new services as they are created, without the need for you to download a new client. Xtraz also supports the creation of new ICQ features that can be built separately from the core ICQ client and then delivered and automatically updated over time. The new interface also is clean and intuitive, so you can start chatting quickly and easily.





Size: 12 MB
License: Freeware
Requires: Win 2000/03/08/XP/Vista/7



ICQ 7.4 Build 4561.rar
ICQ 7.4 Build 4561.rar
ICQ 7.4 Build 4561.rar
ICQ 7.4 Build 4561.rar
ICQ 7.4 Build 4561.rar
ICQ 7.4 Build 4561.rar
ICQ 7.4 Build 4561.rar
ICQ 7.4 Build 4561.rar
ICQ 7.4 Build 4561.rar
ICQ 7.4 Build 4561.rar
ICQ 7.4 Build 4561.rar
ICQ 7.4 Build 4561.rar
ICQ 7.4 Build 4561.rar
ICQ 7.4 Build 4561.rar
ICQ 7.4 Build 4561.rar
ICQ 7.4 Build 4561.rar


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