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عرض برنامج BullGuard internet securty 10

Arabic Rss

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قديم 10-23-2010
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افتراضي عرض برنامج BullGuard internet securty 10

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

What do you get?
SIX MONTHS of peace of mind FOR FREE - WORTH £22.47!!

With version 10, we’ve taken BullGuard to the next level, introducing technology that positions BullGuard as the end user champion in the fight for digital liberation. We continue to push the envelope to provide advanced technology to everyday users and serve it up in a user-friendly and intuitive design, and even with several new features we’ve been able to reduce our intrusiveness, requiring substantially less user involvement than ever before.

New features in BullGuard 10 includes:
  • Behavioural Detection: Catches 65% more malware than traditional virus programs.
  • Safe Browsing: Flags any unsafe websites that come up in search results.
  • Inspector: Locates vulnerable, out-dated software before hackers exploit it.
  • Password Protected Settings: Permits only you to change security settings.

Key features: Antivirus; Antispyware; Antiphishing; Firewall; Spamfilter; Backup; Support; Gaming Mode; Behavioural Detection; Safe Browsing; Inspector; Password Protection and PC Shutdown.

Kind regards,
Claus Villumsen,
BullGuard Head of Security

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دعوة لتجربه BullGuard Antivirus 10 أصدار جديد وخفيف وقوي RSS Arabic Rss 0 10-23-2010 05:21 PM
لتحميل الاصدار الاخير من برنامج bullguard security 10 RSS Arabic Rss 0 10-16-2010 06:57 AM
عرض بستة شهور لبرنامج BullGuard Internet Security 10 RSS Arabic Rss 0 10-04-2010 06:53 PM
اقوى برنامج لتسريع تحميل الملفات من الانترنت برنامج Internet Download *********** 5.8.3 RSS Arabic Rss 0 09-27-2010 07:17 PM
تطوير ممتاز لـ BullGuard Internet Security v10 Beta RSS Arabic Rss 0 09-10-2010 04:36 PM


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