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JetAudio Plus XCV Edition 19.23 Mb + Portable 26.3 Mb

Arabic Rss

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 10-25-2010
الصورة الرمزية RSS
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افتراضي JetAudio Plus XCV Edition 19.23 Mb + Portable 26.3 Mb

JetAudio Plus XCV Edition | 19.23 Mb + Portable | 26.3 Mb

jetAudio - a popular media player files. The program supports a huge number of formats, including WAV, MP3, OGG, WMA, MPG, AVI, WMV, MIDI, RM and many others. With this program you can not only listen and watch media files, but it also sound effects, change speed video, digitized audio CDs, convert files from one format to another, and much more. The development of this program deals COWON company known primarily for his "iron" audio players. This functionality, like a free version of jetAudio player sometimes does not happen, and have paid players. In addition to all its functions, this player has a very nice and easy interface, and supports subtitles and Flash-players.

Key features:
"Support all popular audio and video formats
"Recording music on CD
"The use of different audio effects
"Speed Control Playback
"Built-in equalizer
"Convert files between formats
"Built-in plugins visualization
"ID3 tag editor for MP3, OGG and WMA
"Synchronization of lyrics for karaoke functions
"You can watch DVD movies
"Ability to change skin interface

Features Plus VX:
"Convert video files into different formats
"Functions coding MP3/MP3Pro files
"For more audio effects (BBE and BBE ViVA)
"Advanced audio features (32-bit, DRC and Dynamic Limiter)
"Enhanced recording (Silence Detector, EQ, Low / High / Band Pass Filters)
"Additional special tools (Audio Trimmer, Audio Mixing Recorder)

Unlike the basic version:
repacked installer's most popular multimedia combine. In the assembly of integrated Russian language and 25 additional skins, the installer supports two command line - / G and / S. During normal running the installer, without keys, is a typical installation with an option to install additional skins, a choice of labels and associations during installation.

اقتباس: JetAudio Download:

JetAudio Plus XCV Edition | 19.23 Mb

Portable | 26.3 Mb

Portable | 26.3 Mb

Portable | 26.3 Mb


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