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Adobe Acrobat X Professional v10.0.0.396 RePack MULTi 4

Arabic Rss

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قديم 12-27-2010
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افتراضي Adobe Acrobat X Professional v10.0.0.396 RePack MULTi 4

Adobe Acrobat X Professional v10.0.0.396 RePack MULTi 4

Adobe Acrobat X Professional v10.0.0.396 RePack MULTi 4 | 350 MB

Adobe Acrobat X Professional - the establishment of professional work and exchange of virtually any user regardless of location. Combining a wide range of content including documents, spreadsheets, email, images, video, 3D-graphics and maps in one concise and structured portfolio PDF. Joint work in reviewing the documents to which granted total access. Creating interactive forms and rapid collection of data. Protection and control of valuable information. Advanced features Acrobat software for users of Adobe Reader.

Evaluate the effectiveness of technology Adobe ® Acrobat ® Dynamic PDF for creating and sharing PDF files, a new generation. Collaborate with colleagues, customers and partners through the use of sessions reviewing electronic documents, fillable PDF forms and services Acrobat.com. Combine multiple file types into one polished, organized PDF Portfolio of professional quality. Install passwords and permissions to protect documents. Increases the attractiveness of documents using a multifunctional content.

Title: Adobe Acrobat X Professional
Year: 2010
Platform: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Language: English, Russian , Fransais, Deutsch
Medicine: Yes

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