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طلب اسطوانه DLC Super Multi Boot 2011 v1.0 على التورنت او الهوت فايل او الميديافير

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قديم 03-15-2011
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افتراضي طلب اسطوانه DLC Super Multi Boot 2011 v1.0 على التورنت او الهوت فايل او الميديافير

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اسطوانه DLC Super Multi Boot 2011 v1.0 على التورنت او الهوت فايل او الميديافير

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عن الاسطوانه
Hiren's BootCD v13.1 Rebuild by DLC v1.0, Windows 7 Portable (LK), Windows XP SP3 Professional, 7 Antivirus Rescue Disk,...
As you know, Hiren's BootCD v13.0 is now pretty much legal as just about all of the commercial software has now been removed. While good in some ways it does now mean many of the programs which made this such a great BootCD have gone. DLC put back some important tools: Norton Ghost, Acronis Disk Director, Acronis True Image,...and added some more good tools.

Hirens BootCD - an indispensable tool used by many computer technicians and system administrators. At one bootable CD contains dozens of the most popular programs and utilities for running DOS. These are utilities for working with hard drive, its recovery and diagnostic utility of diagnosis of all sites in a computer, file managers, utilities for the network, as well as many others. Hiren's BootCD eliminates the need to keep on hand dozens and dozens of options in what they can do.

What new in Version DLC Super Multi Boot 2011 v1.0?

- Add New DOS Tools:

Windows Setup:
Windows 7 Portable (LK)
Windows XP SP3 Professional
Antivirus Rescue Disk:
Eset NOD32
Alternate Operating System Suite 2.0.5
Reset Windows Password
Redo Backup & Recovery 0.9.7
Partition Tools:
EASEUS Partition Master 7.0.1 Server Edition
Partition Wizard Home Edition 5.2
Partition Magic Pro 8.05 (ban co ?ang ky)
Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0.2160
Acronis Disk Director 11 Home Build 11.0.2121
Paragon Partition Manager Server 7.0.1274
Backup Tools:
Norton Ghost 11.5.1
Norton Ghost 15 Recovery CD
EASEUS Todo Backup Server 2.0
Acronis True Image Enterprise Server 8.1.945
Acronis True Image Home 2011 14.0.0 Build 6696
Password & Registry Tools:
Active Password Changer 3.0.420 (NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista)
Hard Disk Tools:
HDD Regenerator 2011 (full)
HDAT2 v4.8.1

- Rebuild Mini Windows XP:
+ Partition Magic Pro 8.05
+ Partition Wizard Professional Edition 5.2
+ EASEUS Partition Master 7.0.1 Server Edition
+ Ghost32
+ Ghost Explorer
+ GhostCast Server
+ OneKey Ghost 6.5.6
+ HDClone Professional v3.9.4
+ Mozilla Firefox 3.6.13
+ Internet Download Manager 6.03
+ Outlook Express Backup v6.5
+ GetDataBack 4.21
+ GetData Recover My Files Pro 4.6.8 Build 993
+ EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional 5.0.1
+ MiniTool Power Data Recovery 6.5
System Information:
+ HWiNFO32 v3.69.1149
+ Unikey 4.0 RC2
+ Kingsoft Office 2010 Professional v6.6.0.2462
+ Foxit Reader v4.3.1.218
+ BurnAware Professional 3.1.3
+ UltraISO Premium 9.3.6 Build 2750
+ Remove Fake Antivirus v1.74
+ BkavHome3225 (diet tot cac em virus o Viet Nam)
+ WinRAR 4.00 Beta 7
+ Avast! Registry Editor
+ Total Commander 7.56a
+ Ophcrack 3.3.1
SkyDriverXP V11.1 Plus

File name: DLC.2011.v1.0.iso
File size: 3.71 GB
MD5: C16C14987585AEB9B18F24D037B007F8
SHA-1: 4C78D705937FB75C0854DBA6C048C626E9531A60

روابط الاسطوانه


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